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SB 5940
Adjusting the applicable exclusion and tax rates on estate tax.
HB 2068
Concerning the annexation of unincorporated territory within a code city.
HR 4656
Remembering the life and legacy of Senator Mike Carrell.
HCR 4408
Returning bills to their house of origin.
HCR 4410
Specifying the status of bills, resolutions, and memorials.
SB 5949
Creating a liquor tax for alcohol and drug treatment.
HB 2084
Addressing impaired driving offenses that constitute a felony offense.
EHB 1400
Clarifying that service includes electronic distribution of hearing notices and orders in administrative proceedings.
HB 1980
Concerning reporting the location of human remains.
HB 1984
Concerning claims against the Washington state department of transportation.
HR 4631
Celebrating the 30th annual Skagit Valley Tulip Festival.
HR 4634
Congratulating the 2013 Rainier Beach High School men's basketball team.
HB 2006
Relating to state government.
SB 5883
Providing for more equitable funding of public higher education.
HCR 4404
Celebrating the life and legacy of William Booth Gardner.