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HB 2060
Including third party claims under the fair conduct act.
HB 2079
Concerning the environmental legacy stewardship account.
2ESB 5701
Authorizing the suspension or revocation of certificates or permits to teach based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Authorizing penalties based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators. )
HB 1977
Promoting renewable energy.
HB 1981
Requiring massage therapy establishments to be licensed.
HB 1993
Concerning the construction and alteration of ferries.
HB 1995
Concerning state contracts for call center services.
HB 1997
Concerning the taxation of home service contracts.
HB 1999
Concerning mitigation matching requirements for state transportation projects.
HB 2001
Concerning the fuel tax used to determine fuel tax distributions to certain accounts.
HB 2002
Modifying snowmobile license fees.
HR 4635
Celebrating the 2013 Daffodil Festival.
HB 2003
Relating to fiscal matters.
HR 4638
Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright.
HB 2017
Changing the deadline for notices of nonrenewal of contracts for certificated school employees.