Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1978

    Addressing the permitting of certain transportation projects.

    HB 1982

    Eliminating lottery games that generate insufficient net revenue.

    HB 1994

    Providing that certain cover charges for the opportunity to dance are not considered retail sales.

    HB 1996

    Concerning environmental standards related to transportation projects.

    HB 1998

    Extending eligibility on a nonprioritized basis for the state need grant to individuals granted deferred action for childhood arrival status.

    HB 2000

    Facilitating the efforts of the liquor control board to ensure the timely implementation of a well-designed, commercially viable regulatory scheme for the development of a legal marketplace for marijuana as required by Initiative Measure No. 502.

    HR 4632

    Congratulating the Cleveland High School women's basketball team.

    HB 2004

    Relating to fiscal matters.

    HR 4639

    Recognizing Mariner High School principal Brent Kline.

    HB 2019

    Concerning the sales and distribution of spirits by distributors, restaurants, former contract liquor stores, and former state store auction buyers.

    SR 8643

    Proclaiming Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.

    HR 4643

    Honoring Washington state veterans who served in Vietnam.

    HB 2023

    Allowing crowdfunding for certain small securities offerings.

    HB 2026

    Concerning state auction liquor stores, providing a process for the successful bidders for such stores to seek refunds of the amount successfully bid, and providing for the sale of inventory.

    SR 8651

    Honoring Doris M. Brougham for her lifelong achievements.