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SB 5909
Expanding STEM education to include the arts.
HB 2032
Achieving economic security through income sufficient to meet basic needs.
HB 2041
Repealing the deduction for handling losses of motor vehicle fuel.
HB 2054
Stimulating economic development by increasing the amount of high-risk capital in Washington state.
SB 5918
Requesting and implementing a waiver to authorize Washington state to enroll certain individuals in the state health benefit exchange rather than medicaid.
HCR 4405
Directing that HB 2056 be considered.
HR 4654
Recognizing Trevor Greene, 2013 National High School Principal of the Year.
SCR 8404
Returning bills to their house of origin.
SB 5932
Concerning blood and breath alcohol content limits.
SB 5935
Protecting the right to work.
SB 5937
Decreasing resident undergraduate tuition rates by three percent for the 2013-2015 fiscal biennium and limiting future growth of resident undergraduate tuition rates to inflation.
SB 5939
Concerning the estate tax.
HB 2067
Concerning the distribution of revenues under RCW 66.08.190 to the state, border areas, cities, and counties.
HJM 4003
Requesting that the Interstate 5 Skagit River Bridge be named the Trooper No. 1076, Sean M. O'Connell Memorial Bridge.
HB 2073
Concerning a county sales and use tax to fund regional health and human services.