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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 2074
Concerning fees for health records.
HB 2078
Concerning clarification of the requirements for payment of infrastructure for fully contained communities.
HB 2083
Addressing probable cause for persons in violation of an impaired driving offense.
EHB 1394
Changing the employment security department's settlement authority.
HB 1979
Implementing public-private partnership best practices for nontoll transportation projects.
HB 1983
Concerning the expansion of adult day health services.
SCR 8402
Amending the cutoff resolution.
HR 4630
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Washington State Parks.
HR 4633
Recognizing the Colton Wildcats Girls Basketball team.
HB 2005
Relating to state government.
HR 4640
Celebrating Gifted Education Day.
HR 4641
Celebrating Catholic Schools Week.
SB 5885
Concerning instruction in Spanish and Chinese languages.
SR 8644
Commending the Independent Colleges of Washington.
SB 5886
Concerning the sale of certain department of transportation surplus property.