Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SHB 2064

    Preserving funding deposited into the education legacy trust account used to support common schools and access to higher education by restoring the application of the Washington estate and transfer tax to certain property transfers.

    HR 4657

    Commending Trooper Sean M. O'Connell Jr. for his exemplary service.

    SB 5948

    Concerning state procurement of goods and services.

    HCR 4409

    Adjourning sine die.

    HB 2085

    Eliminating look back periods for impaired driving offenses.

    EHB 1470

    Addressing the recommendations of the vocational rehabilitation subcommittee for workers' compensation.

    HB 1985

    Exempting future state transportation projects from state and local sales and use tax.

    HR 4628

    Recognizing the British Columbia parliamentary internship program.

    HB 2007

    Relating to human services.

    SR 8640

    Honoring the Mark Morris High School girls bowling and basketball teams.

    SB 5884

    Concerning dispensing contraceptive drugs for medicaid enrollees.

    SB 5887

    Concerning the medical use of cannabis.

    SB 5893

    Creating a tuition surcharge for international students.

    SB 5896

    Extending renewable energy sales and use tax exemptions.

    SB 5904

    Concerning high quality early learning.