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HB 2008
Relating to human services.
SR 8641
Recognizing and expressing appreciation for Sea Service personnel.
SB 5894
Authorizing the medicaid expansion while ensuring state financial protections, increasing consumer engagement and choice, and establishing expectations for improved health outcomes.
SB 5897
Concerning state parks.
SB 5905
Establishing state employee eligibility for insurance benefits consistent with the employer shared responsibility provisions of the patient protection and affordable care act.
HB 2036
Investing in the education legacy trust account for K-12 basic education and higher education by narrowing or eliminating tax preferences.
HB 2045
Concerning payments to counties in lieu of taxes.
SB 5922
Authorizing bonds for transportation funding.
HR 4653
Recognizing the Washington state commercial fishing fleet.
SB 5927
Concerning the right to engage in commerce free from discrimination.
SB 5942
Providing for a performance and enrollment-based methodology of distributing state appropriations to public institutions of higher education.
SB 5945
Concerning principal empowerment.
HCR 4411
Returning bills to their house of origin.
EHB 1493
Concerning the property taxation of mobile homes and park model trailers.
HB 1987
Concerning the design-build procedure for certain transportation projects.