Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5950

    Requiring payment for costs of incarceration.

    EHB 1677

    Concerning operators of multiple adult family homes.

    HB 1989

    Concerning the term of bonds issued for transportation purposes.

    SR 8636

    Honoring Peace Corps volunteers and recognizing the 2013 Top Peace Corps Volunteer-Producing Colleges.

    HB 2011

    Relating to natural resources.

    SR 8646

    Recognizing and honoring the Spokane Lilac Festival.

    SR 8647

    Honoring the work of Seattle Children's Hospital.

    SB 5900

    Strengthening the tax structure, tax equity, and essential governmental services by a voter-approved tax.

    SR 8652

    Recognizing religious freedom in Washington State.

    HB 2039

    Relating to funding capital projects.

    HB 2048

    Eliminating the investment income business and occupation tax deduction for corporations and other business entities.

    SR 8660

    Honoring the 2013 National Teacher of the Year, Jeff Charbonneau.

    SB 5951

    Addressing the payment of costs of incarceration for impaired driving offenders.

    ESB 5701

    Authorizing the suspension or revocation of certificates or permits to teach based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Authorizing the reprimand, suspension, or revocation of certificates or permits to teach based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators. )

    EHB 1733

    Requiring capital and transportation project investments to be searchable by the public for certain detailed information.