Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5868

    Increasing nonhighway fuel tax refunds.

    SR 8637

    Celebrating the 2013 Daffodil Festival.

    HB 2009

    Relating to health care.

    SCR 8403

    Calling a joint session to honor Governor Booth Gardner.

    SB 5895

    Funding education.

    SB 5898

    Increasing education funding, including adjusting school district levy and state levy equalization provisions.

    SB 5906

    Maintaining access to state recreational lands managed by the department of natural resources.

    HB 2037

    Investing in the education legacy trust account for K-12 basic education and higher education by extending the state business and occupation surtax.

    HB 2046

    Transferring funds from the budget stabilization account to the general fund.

    SB 5923

    Authorizing toll revenue bonds for the financing of the Columbia river crossing project.

    SB 5924

    Concerning voter-approved local transportation funding options.

    SB 5928

    Requiring an audit of the state universities.

    SB 5943

    Concerning a license fee or tax on certain businesses annexed into a first-class city.

    SR 8663

    Commending Trooper Sean M. O'Connell Jr. for his exemplary service.

    HCR 4412

    Adjourning sine die.