Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    EHB 1538

    Encouraging the safe practice of public health nurses dispensing certain medications.

    HB 1988

    Concerning the application of right-sizing to transportation projects.

    SR 8638

    Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright.

    SR 8639

    Celebrating Catholic Schools Week.

    HB 2010

    Relating to health care.

    SR 8645

    Celebrating Morningside's fiftieth anniversary.

    SB 5899

    Concerning communications services reform to fund working connections child care.

    SB 5907

    Ensuring no net loss of public access to state recreational lands.

    HB 2038

    Investing in the education legacy trust account for K-12 basic education and higher education by narrowing or eliminating tax preferences and extending taxes set to expire.

    HB 2047

    Reducing the costs of the student assessment system by using consortium-developed assessments and reducing the assessments required for graduation to three content areas.

    SR 8659

    Celebrating Red Hat Day.

    SR 8661

    Honoring Brush Prairie Baptist Church.

    SB 5944

    Concerning special permits and signage for certain overheight or overwidth vehicle loads.

    SSB 5939

    Concerning the estate tax.

    SR 8664

    Remembering the life and legacy of Senator Mike Carrell.