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SR 8642
Celebrating the National Day of the Cowboy.
SB 5889
Modifying snowmobile parking permit and license fees.
SB 5892
Reducing corrections costs.
SB 5901
Providing education reforms.
SB 5903
Concerning the family and medical leave insurance act.
HR 4647
Congratulating the USO on its newest welcome center in Portland International Airport.
SB 5908
Concerning property tax refunds.
SR 8653
Celebrating the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival.
HB 2034
Relating to funding K-12 basic education and higher education by narrowing or eliminating tax preferences.
HB 2043
Temporarily suspending inflationary increases in educational employee compensation.
SB 5920
Concerning transportation revenue.
HR 4651
Recognizing Chuck Ayers.
SB 5925
Extending contribution limits to candidates for public hospital district boards of commissioners.
SB 5929
Funding improved impaired driving safety and enforcement.
SR 8662
Providing for conducting Senate business during the interim.