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HR 4642
Recognizing and honoring the Spokane Lilac Festival.
SB 5888
Concerning the fuel tax used to determine fuel tax distributions to certain accounts.
SB 5891
Concerning state technology expenditures.
HR 4644
Celebrating the National Day of the Cowboy.
HR 4645
Celebrating Morningside's fiftieth anniversary.
HR 4646
Honoring Deputy Matt Spink and Deputy Mike Northway.
HR 4648
Honoring Don C. Brunell.
HR 4649
Commemorating the centennial anniversary of Damascus Lodge No. 199 Free and Accepted Masons.
SB 5910
Providing that a quarterly revenue forecast is due on February 20th during both a long and short legislative session year.
HB 2033
Reducing the costs and inefficiencies in elections by eliminating a requirement to include the full text of ballot measures in the printed version of voters' pamphlets.
HB 2042
Modifying the nursing facility medicaid payment system by delaying the rebase of certain rate components and extending certain rate add-ons.
SB 5919
Concerning seeking a waiver for implementation of multiple private health benefit exchanges.
HCR 4406
Directing that HB 2058 be considered.
SCR 8405
Adjourning SINE DIE.
SB 5938
Incorporating state tax expenditures into the state budget process.