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HB 2055
Concerning the recovery of costs in consumer protection actions.
HB 2056
Correcting the definition of THC concentration as adopted by Initiative Measure No. 502 to avoid an implication that conversion, by combustion, of tetrahydrocannabinol acid into delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol is not part of the THC content that differentiates marijuana from hemp.
HB 2057
Modifying arrest without warrant provisions.
HB 2058
Requiring transparency in enacted state capital and transportation budget appropriations and expenditures.
HB 2059
Concerning the voluntary purchase of eligible renewable resources by customers of electric utilities.
HR 4655
Providing for the conducting of House business during interim periods.
HB 2062
Providing that a quarterly revenue forecast is due on February 20th during both a long and short legislative session year.
SB 5931
Clarifying the requirements for health plans offered outside of the exchange.
HCR 4407
Specifying the status of bills, memorials, and resolutions for the 2013 first special session of the Sixty-third legislature.
SB 5933
Concerning flame retardants.
SB 5934
Concerning the referral process in the pharmacy profession.
SB 5936
Providing for a performance and enrollment-based methodology of distributing state appropriations to public institutions of higher education.
HB 2063
Establishing an education investment tax credit.
HB 2064
Preserving funding deposited into the education legacy trust account used to support common schools and access to higher education by restoring the application of the Washington estate and transfer tax to certain property transfers.
HB 2065
Regarding an integrated high quality continuum of early learning.