Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 2018

    Regarding additional contribution rates for employers of the Washington state retirement systems.

    HB 2020

    Expanding economic development and creating jobs by increasing the availability of ammunition and firearm parts and accessories in Washington state.

    HB 2021

    Regarding sediment removal by citizen volunteers.

    SB 5890

    Concerning the titling and registration of vehicles.

    HB 2022

    Concerning dispensing contraceptive drugs for medicaid enrollees.

    HB 2024

    Concerning legal proceedings by the attorney general on behalf of state officers.

    HB 2025

    Concerning design alternatives for the Columbia river crossing project.

    SB 5902

    Relating to driving under the influence.

    HB 2027

    Concerning provisions governing the use of direct deposit.

    HB 2028

    Concerning marijuana in negligent driving provisions.

    HB 2029

    Eliminating economic development-related agencies, boards, and commissions.

    HB 2030

    Modifying provisions that address impaired driving.

    HB 2031

    Prohibiting certain employer communications about political or religious matters.

    HB 2040

    Relating to consolidating small loans and small consumer installment loans under chapter 31.45 RCW.

    HB 2053

    Concerning smoke detection devices in dwelling units.