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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1645
Increasing the number of public members on the Washington higher education facilities authority.
HB 1646
Creating a council on state debt.
HB 1647
Requiring landlords to maintain and safeguard keys to leased premises.
HB 1648
Providing for community economic revitalization in incorporated areas.
HB 1649
Concerning autonomous vehicles.
HB 1650
Supporting K-12 career education, exploration, and planning.
HB 1651
Concerning access to juvenile records.
HB 1652
Establishing a process for the payment of impact fees through provisions stipulated in recorded covenants.
HB 1653
Concerning assault in the third degree occurring in areas used in connection with court proceedings.
HB 1654
Establishing a regional fire protection service authority within the boundaries of a single city.
HB 1655
Concerning the attorney general's authority and power to prosecute environmental law violations.
HB 1656
Establishing statewide high school graduation requirements that permit increased flexibility for students to select courses based on their interests and plans.
HB 1657
Authorizing small consumer installment loans.
HB 1658
Raising the cap on the total number of small loans a borrower may have in a twelve-month period.
HB 1659
Clarifying the employment status of independent contractors in the news business.