Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1615

    Providing a business and occupation tax credit for businesses that hire unemployed veterans.

    HB 1616

    Addressing contractor liability for industrial insurance premiums.

    HB 1617

    Concerning the administrative costs for the allocation, management, and oversight of housing trust fund investments.

    HB 1618

    Concerning the building code council account.

    HB 1619

    Suspending the growth management act in counties with significant and persistent unemployment.

    HB 1620

    Concerning passenger-carrying vehicles for railroad employees.

    HB 1621

    Regulating the hours of service for certain railroad employees.

    HB 1622

    Concerning tax credits for hiring individuals with developmental disabilities.

    HB 1623

    Providing statutory support for medical specialty technicians in Washington state.

    HB 1624

    Restricting tuition increases for resident undergraduate students at four-year institutions of higher education.

    HB 1625

    Concerning certain tow truck operator requirements and rates.

    HB 1626

    Aligning the higher education financial aid process with in-state tuition requirements.

    HB 1627

    Concerning competency to stand trial evaluations.

    HB 1628

    Allowing nurses and physicians to satisfy a portion of their continuing education credits through providing services to medicaid enrollees or the uninsured.

    HB 1629

    Concerning credentialing and continuing education requirements for long-term care workers.