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SB 5104
Placing epinephrine autoinjectors in schools.
HB 1674
Increasing the regulatory oversight and accountability of the office of minority and women's business enterprises.
HB 1675
Improving the adoption process.
HB 1676
Encouraging safe storage of firearms.
HB 1678
Concerning peace officer liability.
HB 1679
Regarding the disclosure of health care information.
HB 1680
Implementing strategies to close the educational opportunity gap, based on the recommendations of the educational opportunity gap oversight and accountability committee.
HB 1681
Concerning criminal trespass on private property.
HB 1682
Incentivizing up-front environmental planning, review, and infrastructure construction actions of local governments.
HB 1683
Authorizing recognition of institutions of postsecondary study in order to retain federal financial aid eligibility.
HB 1684
Defining suitable work to include a minimum age requirement.
HB 1685
Utilizing a portion of public utility tax collected for water distribution to fund the health programs of the departments of ecology and health.
HB 1686
Concerning high school equivalency certificates.
HB 1687
Concerning the taxing authority of public facilities districts.
HB 1688
Establishing a requirement and system for reporting incidents of student restraint and isolation in public schools.