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HB 1704
Regarding notice required by the parks and recreation commission.
HB 1705
Providing incentives for solar energy.
HB 1706
Allowing county treasurers to retain a portion of the state property tax to defray the costs of collection.
HB 1707
Concerning the taxation of large airplanes.
HB 1708
Concerning the enforcement powers of the office of financial recovery.
HB 1709
Requiring a study to develop a state foreign language education interpreter training program.
HB 1710
Concerning the taxation of commuter air carriers.
HB 1711
Allowing multiple liquor licenses at the same physical premises.
HB 1712
Concerning state implementation of the federal patient protection and affordable care act.
HB 1713
Requesting and implementing a waiver to authorize Washington state to enroll certain individuals in the state health benefit exchange rather than medicaid.
HB 1714
Changing open public meetings provisions.
HB 1715
Allowing the department of corrections to exempt information contained in the internal database on security threat group data from dissemination under the public records act.
HB 1716
Concerning the standard of evidence for appeals of valuation of property for purposes of taxation.
HB 1717
Incentivizing up-front environmental planning, review, and infrastructure construction actions.
HB 1718
Concerning for hire vehicles, limousines, and taxicabs.