Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1749

    Modifying metropolitan park district property tax levies to assist park districts with populations less than twenty thousand.

    HB 1750

    Establishing special license endorsements for cigar lounges and retail tobacconist shops.

    HB 1751

    Providing for equal tax treatment of investment securities for in-state and out-of-state banks.

    HB 1752

    Modifying requirements for the operation of commercial motor vehicles in compliance with federal regulations.

    HB 1753

    Regulating interpreter services.

    HB 1754

    Concerning projects of statewide significance for economic development and transportation.

    HB 1755

    Concerning an exemption from discover pass requirements for off-road vehicles.

    HB 1756

    Concerning scrap metal licensing.

    HB 1757

    Providing monitoring of the development of a one-stop portal for Washington businesses.

    HB 1758

    Regarding boating safety.

    HB 1759

    Concerning veterans' assistance levies.

    HB 1760

    Concerning the replacement of like-in-kind household appliances.

    HB 1761

    Concerning shellfish aquaculture.

    HB 1762

    Concerning electronic presentment of claims against the state arising out of tortious conduct.

    HB 1763

    Regarding hours of availability of special purpose districts for inspection and copying of public records.