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HB 1764
Concerning geoduck diver licenses.
HB 1765
Authorizing the suspension or revocation of certificates or permits to teach based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators.
HB 1766
Modifying the nonprofit tax exemption for qualifying blood, tissue, or blood and tissue banks.
HB 1767
Concerning outdoor advertising sign fees, labels, and prohibitions.
HB 1768
Authorizing use of the job order contracting procedure by the department of transportation.
HB 1769
Creating efficiencies for institutions of higher education.
HB 1770
Concerning the appointment of nonvoting advisory members to commodity boards.
HB 1771
Establishing standards for the use of public unmanned aircraft systems.
HB 1772
Concerning privilege for emergency medical responders.
HB 1773
Concerning the practice of midwifery.
HB 1774
Measuring performance of the child welfare system.
HB 1775
Addressing due process in the filing and approval of insurance rates, forms, and agreements and insurance regulatory policies and procedures.
HB 1776
Addressing wellness programs offered by a health carrier.
HB 1777
Accelerating changes to mental health involuntary commitment laws.
HB 1778
Concerning detentions under the involuntary treatment act.