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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1809
Protecting the state's cultural resources.
HB 1810
Concerning payment options for parents who receive working connections child care benefits.
HB 1811
Requiring additional safety features in school construction and remodeling.
HB 1812
Extending the time frame for making expenditures under the urban school turnaround initiative.
HB 1813
Allowing proof of motor vehicle liability insurance to be provided in an electronic format.
HB 1814
Concerning the agency council on coordinated transportation.
HB 1815
Assuring that education-related information is appropriately provided to parents with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
HB 1816
Improving protections for incapacitated adults.
HB 1817
Adding eligibility criteria for higher education financial aid.
HB 1818
Promoting economic development through business and government streamlining projects.
HB 1819
Creating and using digital infrastructure maps to inform economic development decisions.
HB 1820
Determining average salary for the pension purposes of state and local government employees as certified by their employer.
HB 1821
Concerning good cause exceptions during permanency hearings.
HB 1822
Concerning debt collection practices.
HB 1823
Concerning centers of excellence.