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HB 1839
Concerning criminal background checks and other requirements applicable to the purchase and transfer of firearms.
HB 1840
Concerning firearms laws for persons subject to no-contact orders, protection orders, and restraining orders.
HB 1841
Authorizing electronic competitive bidding for state public works contracting.
HB 1842
Providing partial and total confinement options for offenders.
HB 1843
Evaluating compliance and performance of institutions of higher education participating in financial aid programs.
HB 1844
Concerning family assessment response in child protective services.
HB 1845
Concerning the utilities and transportation commission's regulatory authority over railroads.
HB 1846
Concerning stand-alone dental coverage.
HB 1847
Addressing the sufficiency of signatures for petitions in cities, towns, and code cities.
HB 1848
Permitting school siting outside of urban growth areas.
HB 1849
Combining the state's natural resources law enforcement efforts.
HB 1850
Authorizing school districts to take actions related to certificated school employees charged with certain felony crimes.
HB 1851
Concerning compensation for certificated employees in the event of notice of probable cause for discharge.
HB 1852
Requiring the building code council to adopt rules regarding before or after-school programs.
HB 1853
Clarifying that real estate brokers licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW are independent contractors.