Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1884

    Addressing the rate of compensation for occupational diseases.

    HB 1885

    Restoring some of the nursing facility payment methodology changes made during 2011.

    HB 1886

    Concerning the recoverable costs of the department of agriculture under chapter 16.36 RCW.

    HB 1887

    Increasing educational options under vocational rehabilitation plans.

    HB 1888

    Regarding industrial hemp.

    HB 1889

    Concerning the fruit and vegetable district fund.

    HB 1890

    Modifying sales tax exemptions for working families.

    HB 1891

    Increasing protections for employees under the Washington industrial safety and health act of 1973.

    HB 1892

    Modifying certain provisions regarding transportation benefit districts.

    HB 1893

    Requiring the display of the national league of families' POW/MIA flag on certain days.

    HB 1894

    Concerning shellfish aquaculture research.

    HB 1895

    Concerning missing endangered persons.

    HB 1896

    Enhancing compliance with the responsibilities of fishing guides.

    HB 1897

    Requiring call location information to be provided to law enforcement responding to an emergency.

    HB 1898

    Concerning the funding of enhanced public transportation zones for public transportation systems.