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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1899
Authorizing the state investment board to invest the assets of the first class cities' retirement systems.
HB 1900
Specifying "caseload" for purposes of caseload forecasts of common school students.
HB 1901
Limiting use and disclosure of population enumeration data.
HB 1902
Creating intermittent-use trailer license plates.
HB 1903
Providing unemployment insurance benefit charging relief for part-time employers who continue to employ a claimant on a part-time basis and the claimant qualified for two consecutive claims with wages attributable to at least one employer who employed the claimant in both base years.
HB 1904
Addressing agreements between the Washington state patrol, the Washington state department of transportation, and other government entities for police services for projects involving state highway routes and public safety services.
HB 1905
Addressing the eligibility of support volunteers for the volunteer firefighters' and relief officers' relief and pension system.
HB 1906
Modifying organized retail theft provisions.
HB 1907
Creating a sentence enhancement for body armor.
HB 1908
Providing exceptions for firearms on school property provisions.
HB 1909
Concerning veteran-owned businesses.
HB 1910
Concerning the sales and use tax exemption expiration date for machinery and equipment used in generating electricity.
HB 1911
Concerning health care services for inmates in city, county, and regional jails.
SB 5099
Concerning fuel usage of publicly owned vehicles, vessels, and construction equipment.
HB 1912
Extending the expiration date of the existing business and occupation tax rate for the manufacture and wholesale of certain solar energy systems.