Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1942

    Addressing medical eye care or vision care.

    HB 1943

    Concerning clinical review criteria used by insurers or utilization review entities.

    HB 1944

    Addressing vehicle license plate and registration fraud.

    HB 1945

    Requiring the evaluation of options to mitigate the effect of tolling Interstate 90 west of Interstate 405 on certain residents.

    HB 1946

    Concerning special parking privileges for persons with disabilities.

    HB 1947

    Concerning the operating expenses of the Washington health benefit exchange.

    HB 1948

    Concerning nonsubstantive changes to programs relevant to the department of ecology designed to create administrative efficiency.

    HB 1949

    Concerning the contents of requests for proposals in the procurement of enterprise application software solutions by state and local governments.

    HB 1950

    Designating certain hydroelectric generation from a generation facility located in irrigation pipes, irrigation canals, and wastewater pipes as an eligible renewable resource under chapter 19.285 RCW.

    HB 1951

    Providing an exception to the display of license plates at the front of a vehicle.

    HB 1952

    Concerning nonsubstantive changes to programs relevant to the department of ecology designed to create administrative efficiency.

    HB 1953

    Concerning local option transportation revenue.

    HB 1954

    Concerning transportation revenue.

    HB 1955

    Concerning additive transportation funding.

    HB 1956

    Authorizing bonds for transportation funding.