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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1971
Concerning communications services reform.
HB 1972
Restructuring and eliminating certain accounts used by the department of enterprise services.
HB 1973
Concerning driver licensing examination fees.
HB 1974
Extending the commute trip reduction tax credit.
HB 1975
Authorizing bonds for the financing of the Columbia river crossing project.
HB 1976
Funding agricultural production research through the life sciences discovery fund with certain marijuana-related revenues.
HCR 4400
Adopting joint rules.
HCR 4401
Establishing cutoff dates.
HCR 4402
Calling two joint sessions of the legislature.
HCR 4403
Concerning the workforce training and education coordinating board's high skills high wages plan.
HJM 4000
Requesting that Interstate 5 be named the "Purple Heart Trail."
HJM 4001
Requesting an amendment to the United States Constitution to return the authority to regulate election campaign contributions to congress and state legislatures.
HJM 4002
Requesting the federal government to stand firmly with Israel.
HJR 4200
Amending the state Constitution to require that hydroelectric generation be recognized as a renewable resource.
HJR 4201
Requiring a two-thirds majority vote for approval of tax increase legislation.