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SB 5011
Prohibiting the state of Washington and its political subdivisions from adopting and developing environmental and developmental policies that infringe or restrict private property rights without due process.
SB 5012
Verifying the lawful status of individuals upon obtaining or renewing their state-issued drivers' licenses or related identification.
SB 5013
Requiring a vote of the people before all annexations.
SB 5014
Limiting the power of eminent domain.
SB 5015
Including a child fourteen or younger in the aggravated first degree murder provisions.
SB 5016
Eliminating the periodic replacement requirement for license plates.
SB 5017
Eliminating the certificate of need review for all health care facilities except hospitals.
SB 5018
Eliminating the requirement to purchase public art with appropriations made for construction of public buildings.
SB 5019
Concerning the use of public resources by office holders during campaigns.
SB 5020
Modifying indigent defense provisions.
SB 5021
Changing the crime of riot to the crime of criminal mischief.
SB 5022
Changing retail theft with extenuating circumstances to retail theft with special circumstances.
SB 5023
Providing for college DUI courts.
SB 5024
Making transportation appropriations for the 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 fiscal biennia.
SB 5025
Providing that a proclamation of a state of emergency is effective upon the governor's signature.