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SB 5026
Creating a peer mentoring program to encourage elementary school students to attend college.
SB 5027
Requiring prepaid postage for primary and general election ballots.
SB 5028
Changing state need grant eligibility provisions.
SB 5029
Creating the Washington investment trust.
SB 5030
Extending the Chinook scenic byway.
SB 5031
Requiring actions for damage to real property resulting from construction, alteration, or repair on adjacent property to be commenced within two years after the property owner first discovered or reasonably should have discovered the damage.
SB 5032
Extending the tax credit expiration date for certain contributions made to electric utility rural economic development revolving funds.
SB 5033
Making 2013 supplemental operating appropriations.
SB 5034
Making 2013-2015 operating appropriations.
SB 5035
Adopting the 2013-2015 capital budget.
SB 5036
Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts.
SB 5037
Concerning the labeling of seafood.
SB 5038
Enhancing the basic education allocation formula for principals, assistant principals, and other certificated building-level administrators to support the teacher evaluation program requirements of RCW 28A.405.100.
SB 5039
Increasing revenues dedicated to basic education purposes.
SB 5040
Incorporating state tax expenditures into the state budget process.