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HR 4623
Recognizing Caleb Dawson as a recipient of a Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
HR 4624
Honoring the Third Stryker Brigade.
HR 4625
Honoring Jerry Tretwold.
HR 4626
Honoring Consul General Gao Zhansheng.
SB 5000
Regarding aeronautic safety.
SB 5001
Requiring senate confirmation of growth management hearings board members.
SB 5002
Concerning mosquito control districts.
SB 5003
Reducing the cost of transportation projects by providing a sales and use tax exemption.
SB 5004
Restricting gubernatorial appointment of legislators to boards, commissions, and councils.
SB 5005
Concerning fiscal relief for cities and counties in times of declining revenues.
SB 5006
Concerning uncontested rate modifications for utilities and transportation commission regulated water companies.
SB 5007
Regulating the settling of certain insurer transactions.
SB 5008
Addressing portable electronics insurance.
SB 5009
Concerning health plan coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.
SB 5010
Establishing that courts may order an offender to refrain from the consumption of marijuana as a part of community custody conditions.