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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1957
Concerning department of transportation project delivery.
HB 1958
Affirming centralized payroll services as nontaxable between affiliated companies.
HB 1959
Concerning local transportation revenue.
HB 1960
Establishing benefit assessment charges for metropolitan park districts.
HB 1961
Extending the expiration date for judicial stabilization trust account surcharges.
HB 1962
Concerning former contract liquor stores.
HB 1963
Standards for detention of persons with mental disorders or chemical dependency.
HB 1964
Concerning properties obtained by public agencies through foreclosures.
HB 1965
Addressing debt service from the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account.
HB 1966
Reducing costs and inefficiencies in elections.
HB 1967
Concerning community redevelopment financing in apportionment districts.
HB 1968
Changing licensing provisions for certain before and after-school programs in school buildings.
HB 1969
Requiring the public works board to submit ranked project lists.
HB 1970
Increasing accountability for the sales and use tax exemption for machinery and equipment.
SB 5053
Modifying vehicle prowling provisions.