Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1928

    Implementing the recommendations of the developmental disability service system task force.

    HB 1929

    Authorizing the inclusion of qualified trades people at public utility districts in the Washington public safety employees' retirement system.

    HB 1930

    Facilitating treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders by requiring development of an integrated rule.

    HB 1931

    Concerning crimes against pharmacies.

    HB 1932

    Providing a business and occupation tax exemption for amounts received by hotel management companies for covered employee costs.

    HB 1933

    Addressing postretirement employment in the public employees' retirement system and the teachers' retirement system.

    HB 1934

    Concerning visitation rights for persons, including grandparents, with an ongoing and substantial relationship with a child.

    HB 1935

    Concerning state parks and recreation.

    SB 5121

    Concerning the effect of zoning ordinances on hobby vehicle restoration.

    HB 1936

    Creating a program for meeting industry demand for higher education and training credentials.

    HB 1937

    Prohibiting a person from selling or giving a vapor product designed solely for smoking or ingesting tobacco to a minor.

    HB 1938

    Applying a purchasing preference to in-state businesses.

    HB 1939

    Permitting vehicle access along the Milwaukee Road corridor for lessees, concessionaires, and agricultural users.

    HB 1940

    Creating the office of the forecast council.

    HB 1941

    Concerning the adjudication of tolls and accompanying civil penalties.