Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1719

    Addressing drayage truck operators at certain ports.

    HB 1720

    Increasing transparency of donors to candidates and ballot measures.

    HB 1721

    Establishing a period of public and legislative review of appropriations legislation.

    HB 1722

    Concerning the sales and use tax exemption for propane or natural gas used to heat greenhouses.

    HB 1723

    Concerning early learning opportunities.

    HB 1724

    Concerning statements made by juveniles during assessments or screenings for mental health or chemical dependency treatment.

    HB 1725

    Creating the tuition support fund program.

    HB 1726

    Modifying certain vehicle registration renewal requirements.

    HB 1733

    Requiring capital and transportation project investments to be searchable by the public for certain detailed information.

    HB 1727

    Raising licensure limits to allow assisted living facilities to serve a higher acuity resident population.

    HB 1728

    Concerning the disposable income calculation for property tax relief programs for low-income, disabled, and retired persons.

    HB 1729

    Prohibiting the possession of firearms by a criminal street gang associate or member.

    HB 1730

    Adding drive-by shooting to the list of most serious offenses.

    HB 1731

    Adding unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree to the list of most serious offenses.

    HB 1732

    Addressing the criminal street gang-related sentencing enhancement.