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HB 1689
Creating a silver alert system.
HB 1690
Permitting entities to qualify for cost recovery incentives from solar energy systems located on real property of the entity's controlling owner.
HB 1691
Authorizing the educational service district board or local school board to fill vacancies on the board of directors in second-class school districts with an at-large appointment if after one hundred twenty days a candidate from the director district cannot be recruited.
HB 1692
Implementing career and college ready graduation requirements.
HB 1693
Providing tax relief for new businesses in high growth business sectors.
HB 1694
Establishing a residential schedule adjustment for determinations of child support obligations.
HB 1695
Allowing the use of lodging taxes for financing workforce housing and tourism promotion activities or facilities.
HB 1696
Revising the admissibility in a civil action of failing to wear safety belt assemblies and failing to use child restraint systems.
HB 1697
Exempting from disclosure and copying valuable commercial information in records pertaining to solid waste collection companies in possession of the Washington utilities and transportation commission.
HB 1698
Requiring the installation and maintenance of signs indicating the end of school speed zones.
HB 1699
Making energy conservation a top priority by adding new incentives and aligning the timing of the acquisitions of eligible renewable resources, electricity, or equivalent renewable energy credits, with the need for additional electric generating resources to serve consumers' loads, without changing the eligible renewable targets.
HB 1700
Addressing health plans provided through associations or member-governed groups.
HB 1701
Implementing recommendations of the adult family home quality assurance panel.
HB 1702
Addressing the commercial transportation of passengers.
HB 1703
Promoting firearm safety through an education program funded through fees on firearms and ammunition and creating a sales tax exemption on gun locks.