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HB 1630
Concerning nurse delegation in adult day services.
HB 1631
Concerning planning measures to provide long-term care services and supports needs of the aging population.
HB 1632
Regulating the use of off-road vehicles in certain areas.
HB 1633
Modifying school district bidding requirements for improvement and repair projects.
HB 1634
Including the value of solar, biomass, and geothermal facilities in the property tax levy limit calculation.
HB 1635
Concerning disproportionate share hospital adjustments.
HB 1636
Concerning interpretation of state law regarding rebating practices by health care entities.
HB 1637
Concerning prescription review for medicaid managed care enrollees.
HB 1638
Addressing insurance, generally.
HB 1639
Adjusting presidential elector compensation.
HB 1640
Requiring policies regarding assignment of certificated instructional staff.
HB 1641
Creating a statewide school district for the purpose of improving performance of the most persistently lowest achieving schools.
HB 1642
Establishing policies to support academic acceleration for high school students.
HB 1643
Regarding energy conservation under the energy independence act.
HB 1644
Concerning transportation planning objectives and performance measures for local and regional agencies.