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HB 1570
Concerning filing requirements for property tax exemption claims for certain improvements to benefit fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, or water quantity.
HB 1571
Concerning patient and staff safety at state hospitals.
HB 1572
Addressing nonprofit debt adjusters.
HB 1573
Clarifying the prohibitions against discriminating against licensed chiropractors.
HB 1574
Establishing a fee for certification for the residential services and supports program to cover investigative costs.
HB 1575
Creating greater efficiency in the offices of county assessor by eliminating the requirement to annually appraise tax-exempt government properties.
HB 1576
Creating greater efficiency in the offices of county assessors by allowing notification via electronic means.
HB 1577
Concerning the furnishment of vehicle owner lists to manufacturers of motor vehicles.
HB 1578
Placing epinephrine autoinjectors in schools.
HB 1579
Concerning paint stewardship.
HB 1580
Allowing courts to assess additional costs to defendants if they are successful in setting aside a committed finding after failing to respond to an infraction or failing to appear for a hearing.
HB 1581
Creating the Washington state preservation of liberty act condemning the unlawful detention of United States citizens and lawful resident aliens under the national defense authorization act.
HB 1582
Addressing credit unions' corporate governance, investments, and capital.
HB 1583
Requiring ninety-day supply limits on certain drugs dispensed by a pharmacist.
HB 1584
Authorizing physician assistants to perform opthalmic-related services under employment or supervision by a medical doctor or an osteopathic physician.