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HB 1540
Granting binding interest arbitration rights to certain uniformed personnel.
HB 1541
Expanding the types of medications that a public or private school employee may administer to include nasal spray.
HB 1542
Concerning the provision of and reimbursement for certain court interpreter services.
HB 1543
Addressing the filing and public disclosure of health care provider compensation.
HB 1544
Authorizing educational specialist degrees at Central Washington University and Western Washington University.
HB 1545
Guaranteeing that the top one percent pay too, through assessing a two percent tax on millionaires to fund the paramount duty trust fund and reduce class sizes in grades kindergarten through four.
HB 1546
Concerning people with disabilities who receive no paid services from the department of social and health services' division of developmental disabilities.
HB 1547
Concerning entities that provide recreational or educational programming for school-aged children.
HB 1548
Concerning efficiencies in the department of ecology processing of water right change applications that move the point of withdrawal reducing the potential for surface water body impacts.
HB 1549
Concerning efficiencies in the department of ecology processing of water right change applications to permit the consolidation of the annual quantities of those water rights held by the applicant.
HB 1550
Modifying the property tax exemption for nonprofit fairs.
HB 1551
Concerning the performance of spinal manipulation by physical therapists.
HB 1552
Reducing scrap metal theft.
HB 1553
Concerning the definition of a rural county for public facilities' sales and use tax purposes.
HB 1554
Allowing fire departments to develop a community assistance referral and education services program.