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HB 1479
Allowing leased land used for the placement of a mobile home to qualify for the senior, disabled, and veteran property tax exemption.
HB 1480
Concerning the provision of prescription drugs by direct practice providers.
HB 1481
Removing the expiration date from RCW 47.64.280 regarding the marine employees' commission complaint and dispute procedure.
HB 1482
Modifying provisions that address impaired driving.
HB 1484
Concerning the public works board.
HB 1485
Increasing the vehicle fee limit under a transportation benefit district's councilmatic authority.
HB 1486
Concerning voter-approved benefit charges for regional fire protection service authorities.
HB 1493
Concerning the property taxation of mobile homes and park model trailers.
HB 1487
Clarifying the terminology and duties of the real estate agency relationship law to be consistent with other existing laws.
HB 1488
Modifying the percentage of votes required to approve benefit charges for fire protection districts.
HB 1489
Concerning the sales and use taxation of florists.
HB 1490
Applying the public employees' collective bargaining act to department of corrections employees.
HB 1491
Concerning debt adjusting services.
HB 1492
Concerning waivers from school year requirements for purposes of economy and efficiency.
HB 1494
Providing additional funding for the state's higher education institutions and their students.