Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1419

    Expanding membership of the Washington state horse park authority.

    HB 1420

    Concerning public contracts for transportation improvement projects.

    HB 1421

    Protecting the state's interest in collecting deferred property taxes.

    HB 1422

    Changing the criteria for the beer and wine tasting endorsement for grocery stores.

    HB 1423

    Providing for a single set of laws and procedures governing online learning.

    HB 1424

    Enhancing the statewide K-12 dropout prevention, intervention, and reengagement system.

    HB 1425

    Removing the requirement that housing organizations apply to the Washington state quality award program.

    HB 1426

    Allowing utilities serving customers in Washington and in other states to use eligible renewable resources located within the western electricity coordinating council area to comply with chapter 19.285 RCW, the energy independence act.

    HB 1427

    Addressing the evasion of taxes by the use of certain electronic means.

    HB 1428

    Concerning the veterans innovation program and the use of moneys in the state lottery account.

    HB 1429

    Addressing the implementation of inmate postsecondary education degree programs to reduce recidivism.

    HB 1430

    Reducing property tax delinquencies by modifying collection practices.

    HB 1431

    Regarding alternative learning experience courses.

    HB 1432

    Concerning county property tax levies.

    HB 1433

    Creating a sentence for treatment program for juvenile offenders.