Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1360

    Extending the deadline to designate one or more industrial land banks.

    HB 1361

    Modifying the requirements for purchase of care for Indian children.

    HB 1362

    Concerning electronic timekeeping for in-home personal care or respite services.

    HB 1363

    Imposing a maximum interest rate of thirty-six percent per annum on small loans.

    HB 1364

    Adopting the Washington small rechargeable battery stewardship act. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning small rechargeable battery stewardship. )

    HB 1365

    Requiring cities and counties to provide security for their courts.

    HB 1366

    Concerning nonresident vessel permits and taxation.

    HB 1367

    Authorizing assessments for nuisance abatement in cities and towns.

    HB 1368

    Concerning the distribution of state liquor revenues to cities and counties.

    HB 1369

    Using school days for meeting with parents and families as part of the Washington inventory of developing skills.

    HB 1370

    Concerning notice requirements for homeowners' associations meetings.

    HB 1371

    Adopting the Washington state firearms freedom act of 2013 and establishing penalties.

    HB 1372

    Concerning natural resource management activities.

    HB 1373

    Auditing state agencies' expenditures for advertising, marketing, and related activities.

    HB 1374

    Concerning the energy facility site evaluation council.