Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1330

    Allowing dental hygienists and dental assistants to provide certain services under the supervision of a dentist.

    HB 1331

    Authorizing student advisory committees at institutions of higher education.

    HB 1332

    Concerning limited on-premise spirits sampling.

    HB 1333

    Restoring payment rates for community residential providers and annually adjusting payment rates for community residential providers by the rate of inflation.

    HB 1334

    Concerning conversion kits on motorcycles.

    HB 1335

    Repealing unnecessary provisions concerning the Washington State Bar Association.

    HB 1336

    Increasing the capacity of school districts to recognize and respond to troubled youth.

    HB 1337

    Conditioning the classification of the gray wolf by the fish and wildlife commission.

    HB 1338

    Concerning juveniles sentenced to long terms of incarceration.

    HB 1339

    Clarifying the scope of practice for East Asian medicine practitioners and removing certain referral requirements.

    HB 1340

    Addressing debt management services.

    HB 1341

    Creating a claim for compensation for wrongful conviction and imprisonment.

    HB 1342

    Concerning the definition of work activity for the purposes of the WorkFirst program.

    HB 1343

    Removing the expiration for the additional surcharge imposed on registered nurses and licensed practical nurses.

    HB 1344

    Authorizing occupational therapists to participate in online access to the University of Washington health sciences library.