Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1315

    Providing funding to continue standardized or mandatory criminal justice training associated with the criminal justice training commission.

    HB 1316

    Granting scheduling authority for qualified retrospective rating plan employers and groups.

    HB 1317

    Concerning poll-site voting and voting identification requirements.

    HB 1318

    Concerning concealed pistol license renewal notices.

    HB 1319

    Recognizing a welcome home Vietnam veterans day.

    HB 1320

    Requiring an online higher education transfer and student advising system.

    HB 1321

    Establishing food and beverage provision and service policies.

    HB 1322

    Allowing nonprofit institutions recognized by the state of Washington to be eligible to participate in the state need grant program.

    HB 1323

    Regarding the sea cucumber dive fishery.

    HB 1324

    Transferring ferry and flood control zone district functions and taxing authorities to county legislative authorities in counties with a population of one million five hundred thousand or more.

    HB 1325

    Addressing fees and semiannual assessments, powers, lending limits, and technical amendments related to state-chartered banks, savings banks, savings associations, and trust companies.

    HB 1326

    Addressing the consumer loan act.

    HB 1327

    Addressing licensing and enforcement provisions applicable to money transmitters.

    HB 1328

    Regulating mortgage brokers.

    HB 1329

    Creating a sales tax holiday for back-to-school clothing and supplies.