Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1300

    Concerning the sale of memorial markers by cemetery districts.

    HB 1301

    Creating clean energy jobs in Washington state through renewable energy incentives.

    HB 1302

    Concerning extended foster care services.

    HB 1303

    Extending the business and occupation tax credit for research and development.

    HB 1304

    Authorizing approval of online school programs in private schools.

    HB 1305

    Modifying vehicle prowling provisions.

    HB 1306

    Extending the expiration dates of the local infrastructure financing tool program.

    HB 1307

    Concerning sexual assault protection orders.

    HB 1308

    Addressing the disclosure of vehicle owner information.

    HB 1309

    Directing state investments of existing litter tax revenues under chapter 82.19 RCW in material waste management efforts without increasing the tax rate.

    HB 1310

    Reducing the littering of retail carryout bags.

    HB 1311

    Making coverage of certain maritime service elective for purposes of unemployment compensation.

    HB 1312

    Concerning transparency, accountability, and uniformity for county treasurers.

    HB 1313

    Establishing minimum standards for sick and safe leave from employment.

    HB 1314

    Concerning municipally produced class A biosolids.