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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1270
Making the board of denturists the disciplining authority for licensed denturists.
HB 1271
Concerning the practice of denturism.
HB 1272
Exempting from business and occupation tax certain amounts received by cooperative finance organizations.
HB 1273
Restoring funding to in-home care services.
HB 1274
Concerning local government practices and procedures.
HB 1275
Regarding water discharge fees.
HB 1276
Creating the dropout prevention through farm engagement pilot project.
HB 1277
Concerning tribes holding conservation easements.
HB 1278
Concerning prepaid postage for ballot envelopes.
HB 1279
Allowing motor voter preregistration for sixteen and seventeen year olds.
HB 1280
Concerning the veterans innovations program.
HB 1281
Allowing retail licensees to make group purchases under certain circumstances.
HB 1282
Eliminating the spirits retail license issuance fee.
HB 1283
Changing compulsory school attendance requirements for children six and seven years of age.
HB 1284
Concerning the rights of parents who are incarcerated or in residential substance abuse treatment.