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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1210
Expanding the membership of the capital projects advisory review board.
HB 1211
Concerning primary election voters' pamphlets.
HB 1212
Prohibiting the use of credit history in insurance coverage related to a residence.
HB 1213
Concerning social worker licensing.
HB 1214
Providing property tax relief for active duty military personnel injured in the line of duty.
HB 1215
Concerning the exemption for property owned by nonprofit religious organizations.
HB 1216
Concerning insurance coverage of treatment of eosinophilia gastrointestinal associated disorders.
HB 1217
Strengthening the integrity, fairness, and equity in Washington's property assessment system.
HB 1218
Concerning department of fish and wildlife license suspensions.
HB 1219
Concerning large wild carnivore conflict management.
HB 1220
Concerning milk and milk products.
HB 1221
Regarding coal transition power.
HB 1222
Concerning coal transition power.
HB 1223
Regarding denials of forest practices applications.
HB 1224
Providing a process for county legislative authorities to withdraw from voluntary planning under the growth management act.