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HB 1165
Prohibiting the state of Washington and its political subdivisions from adopting and developing environmental and developmental policies that would infringe or restrict private property rights without due process.
HB 1166
Requiring compensation for government required actions on private property.
HB 1167
Repealing growth management planning requirements in chapter 36.70A RCW.
HB 1168
Adopting the Washington state health care freedom act of 2013.
HB 1169
Reevaluating the delegation of authority to state agencies in regards to programs that address greenhouse gas emissions.
HB 1170
Modifying the income thresholds for the exemption and deferral property tax relief programs for senior citizens and persons retired because of physical disability.
HB 1171
Prohibiting the release of defendants charged with a sex or violent offense without the payment of bail pending trial.
HB 1172
Concerning the children of family day care providers.
HB 1173
Regarding the financial education public-private partnership.
HB 1174
Complying with the state's constitutional duty to make ample provision for a basic education by prioritizing state funding for K-12 education and targeting state investments on reforms with the highest impact on student success.
HB 1175
Increasing the number of superior court judges in Benton and Franklin counties jointly.
HB 1176
Restricting bonuses and other incentives in higher education.
HB 1177
Modifying the education accountability system to allow state criteria, resources, and strategies to be used for assistance and intervention.
HB 1178
Authorizing alternative assessments of basic skills for teacher certification.
HB 1179
Revising the lien for collection of sewer charges by counties.