Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1120

    Addressing volunteer fire department and law enforcement chaplains membership in the volunteer firefighters' and reserve officers' retirement system.

    HB 1121

    Providing for the election of members of the house of representatives from house districts within each legislative district.

    HB 1122

    Increasing revenues dedicated to basic education purposes.

    HB 1123

    Requiring state agencies to use private collection agencies.

    HB 1124

    Concerning recommendations for streamlining reporting requirements for taxes and fees on spirits.

    HB 1125

    Concerning registered sex offenders in adult family homes.

    HB 1126

    Concerning state fire service mobilization.

    HB 1127

    Developing prefire mitigation plans.

    HB 1128

    Regarding local agencies' responses to public records requests.

    HB 1129

    Concerning ferry vessel replacement.

    HB 1130

    Modifying who is authorized to redeem an impounded vehicle.

    HB 1131

    Adding persons who serve legal process to assault in the third degree provisions.

    HB 1132

    Authorizing spouses of United States armed forces members who died while in service or as a result of service to apply for gold star license plates.

    HB 1133

    Allowing beer and/or wine specialty shop licensees to have an endorsement to sell craft distillery products.

    HB 1134

    Authorizing state-tribal education compact schools.