The online Comment window has expired
Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1090
Increasing the dollar amount for construction of a dock that does not qualify as a substantial development under the shoreline management act.
HB 1091
Changing provisions relating to presidential electors.
HB 1092
Providing a right of first repurchase for surplus transportation property.
HB 1093
Regarding state agency lobbying activities.
HB 1094
Requiring agreements between state agencies and the federal government to be reported to the legislature.
HB 1095
Concerning nursing staffing practices at hospitals.
HB 1096
Concerning juvenile firearms and weapons crimes.
HB 1097
Amending provisions governing structured settlements by removing age barriers and clarifying legislative intent.
HB 1098
Addressing bail practices.
HB 1099
Repealing the state estate tax.
HB 1100
Reducing the state sales and use tax rate.
HB 1101
Designating July 25th as patient safety day.
HB 1102
Modifying ballot processing provisions.
HB 1103
Concerning uniform ballot design.
HB 1104
Incentivizing up-front environmental planning and review.