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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1029
Concerning private road maintenance agreements.
HB 1030
Adopting the electric transmission line siting compact.
HB 1031
Concerning the collection of debts by attorneys.
HB 1032
Addressing portable electronics insurance.
HB 1033
Regulating the settling of certain insurer transactions.
HB 1034
Regulating the licensing of escrow agents.
HB 1035
Addressing title insurance rate filings.
HB 1036
Regulating service contracts.
HB 1037
Establishing a cost-recovery mechanism for public records sought for commercial purposes.
HB 1038
Requiring the department of licensing to adopt rules regarding online learning for training in cosmetology, manicuring, barbering, esthetics, and instruction.
HB 1039
Concerning per diem compensation for flood control zone district supervisors.
HB 1040
Concerning real property valuation notices.
HB 1041
Requiring proof of Washington residency for driver's license and identicard issuance.
HB 1042
Concerning metropolitan park district property tax levies.
HB 1043
Limiting differential tuition.