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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1015
Reducing costs by reducing state assessment requirements.
HB 1016
Designating facilities and infrastructure of water purveyors as essential public facilities under growth management planning requirements.
HB 1017
Creating new efficiency standards.
HB 1018
Expanding criminal penalties for assault.
HB 1019
Regarding identification of requestors of public records.
HB 1020
Prohibiting level III sex offenders from residing in a community protection zone.
HB 1021
Educating parents of the harmful effects of parental abduction.
HB 1022
Concerning the sampling of wine and beer at specialty stores.
HB 1023
Extending apprenticeship utilization requirements.
HB 1024
Addressing service animals.
HB 1025
Extending the application of prevailing wage requirements.
HB 1026
Requiring use of resident workers on public works.
HB 1044
Concerning health plan coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.
HB 1027
Implementing changes to child support based on the child support schedule work group report.
HB 1028
Modifying a portion of the scenic and recreational highway on state route number 410.