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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1060
Scoring an offense a class C felony equivalent if the offense was a felony under the relevant out-of-state statute when there is no clearly comparable offense under Washington law.
HB 1061
Changing provisions regarding the finding of aggravating circumstances.
HB 1062
Removing provisions relating to subversive activities.
HB 1063
Creating a senior center license.
HB 1064
Making technical changes to form year designations.
HB 1065
Addressing the applicability of statutes of limitation in arbitration proceedings.
HB 1066
Requiring the advertised selling price of liquor to include liquor taxes.
HB 1067
Enhancing the basic education allocation formula for principals, assistant principals, and other certificated building-level administrators to support the teacher evaluation program requirements of RCW 28A.405.100.
HB 1068
Concerning the television reception improvement district excise tax.
HB 1069
Concerning the fair debt buyers practices act.
HB 1070
Addressing employer notification upon commercial driver's license suspension.
HB 1071
Regarding state and private partnerships for managing salmonid hatcheries.
HB 1072
Creating the agricultural labor skills and safety grant program.
HB 1073
Concerning payments to counties in lieu of property taxes on state-owned land.
HB 1074
Concerning requirements governing and associated with plat approvals.